Friday, October 8, 2010

Just for Me

I was eating breakfast with my three kids this morning, and looking for a scripture to share with them for our morning scripture.  Usually, this is Jer's job, but Jenna is on fall break, so all the kids get to sleep in, and he had already left for work by the time they all wandered downstairs looking for breakfast. 

I have been feeling a little "off" for a while, and was saying a silent prayer that God would help me to find a scripture that would be "just for me" today.  I always hear of things like this happening to other people, and I know that they have happened to me on occasion as well, but it never ceases to amaze me that whenever I ask for something, Heavenly Father is more than happy to respond.  I came across this scripture, highlighted in Jer's set of scriptures.  D&C 64:31-33-- "And behold, I, the Lord, declare unto you, and my words are sure and shall not fail, that they shall obtain it.  But all things must come to pass in their time.  Wherefore, be not weary in well-doing, for ye are laying the foundation of a great work.  And out of small things proceedeth that which is great." 

I read this to my kids, and asked Jenna what she thought it meant to be not weary in well-doing.  She said, "If you're doing something good, then keep doing it.  And Heavenly Father will send you blessings."  I have thought about this idea of small things becoming great over and over again, and it was a good reminder that I don't need to feel like my days have to be constantly "productive," and that slowing down and enjoying the small and simple parts of raising children is more important than I realize sometimes.  I started reading a book I found about motherhood a while ago, and I found a poem that I want to remember. 
Sweet Monotony
FeedingBurpingChanging Cooing
Though the order may change,
The motions are the same.
Regardless of time,
Regardless of day,
My life
And the life of my baby's
Is made up of the same movements
Over and
Over and
Over again.
It is exhausting
For both of us.
I sometimes long for a change...Does he?
But then I remember that
Music is made
Using the same seven notes in variation.
And only twenty-six letters combine
to create poems, and plays, and masterpieces.
I realize that monotony can create miracles.
So I will go through the motions with my baby
And we will dance
Through the pages
of our own story.
(by:Katie VanDyke)